Friday, June 8, 2012

Phnom ba Klas

Phnom Ba Klas is a natural and cultural site located in Tnaot Chum Village,Tnaot Chum commune, Krakor district, ,.t is about 20 kilometers eat of the provincial frown. The ite afford visitors beautiful scenery and abundant fresh air. The near by mountain are filled with mall fruit trees, especially Kuy and ei moan, which are popular among visitors.  An old crumbling pagoda still contain many statues and sculpture. Khmer people till come there to worship. 

Phnom Ba Klas, Purat Province, Cambodia 

 Phnom Ba Klas, Purat Province, Cambodia 

 Phnom Ba Klas, Purat Province, Cambodia

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Relaxing Places, Reverfront, Phnom Penh

In additional to the main tourist attraction above, Phnom Penh offers a number of other cultural sites and laces to relax. They include Chnatomuk Hall, South of the Royal Palaces and along the river front, where dancers perform traditional Cambodian dance. independence Monument, near downtown, is the site of ceremonial event. IT adjoins a town long wall that stretches east toward the river front, where it meets Hun sen Park, near the Naga World Casino Resort Complex. There are also numerous popular bars and nightclubs, pubs for visitors looking for something to do after dark.

The riverfront is troll or cyclo ride along the park lined riverfront is a must-pubs, restaurants, shops and tourist boat line the way, Chhroy Changva park i another newly attraction at the other ider of the river opposite the Royal Palace. the view of the confluence of the Mekong and the Tonle Sap i geographically unique. Early risers, check out the spectacular sunrise over the river in front of the Royal Palace.

The visitors can have dinner on the boat with very beautiful view of Phnom Penh along the river,
Riverfront Phnom Penh, Cambodia

 Some small bars, bubs along the riverfront, Riverfront Phnom Penh, Cambodia

 The elephant from the palace sometimes walk through the riverfront, Riverfront, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
The road connects from Naga World Park to the riverfront, along with restaurants, apartments, bars, Riverfront Phnom Penh, Cambodia

 The riverfront in the sunset time, Riverfront Phnom Penh, Cambodia

  The riverfront in the sunset time, Riverfront Phnom Penh, Cambodia

 The small bar along the riverfront, Riverfront Phnom Penh, Cambodia

 Local people and foreigners can relax here, exercise or even give food to pigeons

 Boat riding along the Mekong River, Riverfront Phnom Penh, Cambodia

There are some food and fruit sellers, carrying their food and selling to the visitor,  Riverfront Phnom Penh, Cambodia

 She is selling flower and cents to the visitor who come to worship the Preh Ang Dongka,  The  Riverfront Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Palilay Temple

Palilay Temple, The word Palilay is   dreived from Paliyyaka, the name of the forest where the Buddha lived. The local people believe that when the Buddha lived in the forest, he was served by elephant named Palilay.

Palilay temple is located north of  Phineanakas temple and behind Tep Pranom, Siem Rreap Ankor, Cambodia. The temple was built in the 12th century by King Jayavarman VII's father, KIng Dharanindravarman ( AD 1150-1160, who was a Buddhist. The temple's lintels and pediments lying on the ground afford a rare opportunity to see relief at eye level. Many depic Buddhist scenes with Brahamanism divinities.

Only the central sanctuary remains intact. The sandstone tower opens on four sides, each one with a porch. the tower stands on a base with three tiers intercepted by stair on each side. the upper portion is collapsed and a truncated pyramid form a cone which is filled with reused stones. the principle feature interest at this temple is the Buddhist scene on the frontons. They are some of the few that escaped defacement int the 15th century. The scenes  depicted are: east, a reclining Buddha reaching nirvana; south, a seated Buddha, which is especially beautiful in the mid morning sun; north, a standing Buddha with hi hand resting on a elephant.

Combine Preah Palilay with a visit of Tep Pranam, Siem Rreap Ankor, Cambodia.

 The carving of Buddha with elephant on the wall of Preah Palilay, Siem Rreap Ankor, Cambodia

 one of The carving of Buddha senses in on the wall of Preah Palilay, Siem Rreap Ankor, Cambodia

 The gate way into Preah Palilay Temple, Siem Rreap Ankor, Cambodia

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 Preah Palilay Temple, Siem Rreap Ankor, Cambodia

 Preah Palilay Temple, Siem Rreap Ankor, Cambodia

 Preah Palilay Sanctuary Tower, Preah Palilay Temple, Siem Rreap Ankor, Cambodia

Preah Palilay Temple, Siem Rreap Ankor, Cambodia

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Kor Ker Temple

 Kor Ker, Prosat Thom,  Preah Vihear Province, Cambodia

Koh Ker was once an ancient capital of Cambodia, located in Rayong Cheung Village, Srayong commune, Kulen district, Preah Vihear, Cambodia. Koh Ker  is about 40 kilometers west of the provincial town. The Koh Ker complex is  on the Chork Koki highland. It was built by King Jayavaraman IV (AD 928-942). Koh Ker temple is 35 meters high, and its design resembles a seven-steeped stupa. The temple faces west toward Angkor city. It was built to worship Treypuvanesvara, the God of Happiness.

So far, 95 temples have been found in Kor Ker : Dav, Rumlum Bey, Beung Veng, Trapiang Prey, Dey Chhnang, Srok Srolao, Lingam, Kuk Srakum, Trapiang Ta, Sophy, Krahom, Andoung, Ang Khan, Teuk Krahom, Damrei Sar, Krarab, Bateay Pichoan, Kuk, Kmao, Thneung, Thom Balang, Rohal, Chamneh, Sampich, Traping Svay, Neangkmao, Pram, Bat, Khnar Chen, Klum, Chrab, Dangtung, Prang, Kampiang...etc. These temples were not contructed near each other. Today, many of the m are no longer standing, and some are burred int the ground.

             Minor temple, Koh Ker Temple - Preah Vihear Province, Cambodia

 Corridor to inner gate,Koh Ker Temple -Preah Vihear Province, Cambodia
 Gate way,  Koh Ker Temple - Preah Vihear Province, Cambodia

 kohker-prasatbalang, Koh Ker Temple - Preah Vihear Province, Cambodia

 Koh Ker-Prasatthneng, Preah Vihear

 Kokehr,  Neangkhmau Temple, Preah Vihear Province, Cambodia

 Kor Ker,  Carving, Preah Vihear Province, Cambodia

  Kor Ker, some parts of the temple are ruin, and burred in the ground and cover with trees, Preah Vihear Province, Cambodia

 Part of the  wall, Koh Ker Temple , Preah Vihear Province, Cambodia

Laang Phnom Touch

Laang Phnom Touch
Laang Phnom Touch is a natural and cultural site located in Monkol Borei along National Road 5, about 28 kilometers south of the provincial town, Banteay Meanchey Provice, Cambodia. the siter feature national wells and big and small moutains with large stone faces and suraces. From the mountaintops, visitors have a spectacular view of the natural forest and pagoda on the mountainside. The site i popular with local people on festival day.


Sek sork

Sek sork is located in Treing commune, tattanak mondul district, about 50 kilometers southwest of the provincial town. It has long been a popular site for local people to visit. Sek Sok is a lope stream, about 500 meters long, from which water flows over a flat stone surface. T Here are green forests nearby, and wild bamboo grows in row along the stream, proving shade. visitors to ek Sork can also go to Pich Chenda Damtung water buble and Laang pean Andet site, which are only about 6 klometers away. The place is also described by King of music, Sinn Sisamouth, and the song tittled " Nek Poum Sek Sork" which means in English, " missing the Sek Sork Commune".   


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Kbal Chhay Waterfall

Kbal Chhay Waterfall i located in Khan Prey Nup, about 15 kilometers north of down town Sihanuokville, Cambodia . To each the site from Sihanoukville, take National Road 4 toward Phnom Penh. About 7 kilometer outside of twon, there is a sign announcing the site. Turn left and go 9 kilometers along a trail. the water at Kblal Chhay comes from many sources along the mountain range, alothough only three of theose sources are viible. The wataerfall, which is 14 meters high, is at the point where those three sources join.
Kbal Chhay was discovered in 1960. Three years later, it was developed into a reservoir to supply clean water to the city if Sihanoukville. the reservoir construction, however, was interrupted due to civil war, and the site became a hide-out for the Khmer Rouge. in 1997, Kbla Chhay was marked for development, and a year later Kok An Company was awarded a contract to construct a road and develop the site.


The local visitors come to relaxing.